-How long have you been doing makeup? 20 years
What are three of your must-have products? The balm concealer, Tweezerman tweezer, Susan Posnick Powder #5.
-What's the last project you worked on? An in house photo shoot for my shop Ruby Room
-Why do you love being a makeup artist? I love the art of transformation, creating a flawless palette of skin to paint on.
-In one word, what inspires you? Blending
-What makes you a good makeup artist? a microscopic eye for detail.
-What was your first job as an artist? Working at a makeup counter.
-How would you describe your style of makeup? Clean & classic beauty.
-If you could do one person's makeup who you haven't yet done who would it be? Cate Blanchett, or one of my childhood friends might be fun too.
Kate Leydon is the founder of Ruby Room the style of wellness. Join Kate Leydon at The Makeup Show NY May 17-18th. She will be presenting “Finding Wellness” on Sunday May 17th at 9:30am. For more information and to purchase tickets, please visit http://www.themakeupshow.com/
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